In December of 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted by a count of 3-2 to end net neutrality. The …

In December of 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted by a count of 3-2 to end net neutrality. The …
In March of this year, news of Cambridge Analytica’s use of data illegally collected on as many as 87 million …
Across the US the debate surrounding gun laws appears to be more prevalent than ever, with progress being made in …
Though Zuckerberg’s hearings failed to reveal the larger threat that faces the common internet user, there were some instances where …
Switzerland, Kazakhstan, and Armenia have joined Russia, China and South Korea to file a lawsuit against Facebook, Google, Twitter and Yandex …
What do I do with my life in the meantime — Wil (@willydazba) April 4, 2018 It took just moments …
It is no surprise that blockchain technology is expected to change the world in numerous ways. Major companies are looking …
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt …
Unfortunately, it seems that every few weeks there is news of a new mass shooting in the US. Recent figures …
Trump has decided to pick a fight with the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos. The president begun tweeting …